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Tropical MPB

From the meeting between composers from Rio de Janeiro and Alagoas, in the city of Rio de Janeiro, in 2005, arose what at first would be a project so that the authors, together, would have more space and visibility to present their songs. The great critical and public success of the first album ended up making the project become a band.

Since then, Fino Coletivo has been on the road. So far, with three albums released Fino Coletivo (2007), considered one of the 10 best albums of 2007 by Jornal O Globo, Copacabana (2010), Massagueira (2014). Awarded by APCA - Paulista Association of Art Critics in the Popular Music category - Revelation Group, and the 6th Petrobras Music Award, the band has been making its presence felt on stages in the main Brazilian cities and capitals.

Today, part of Fino Coletivo lives in Lisbon, Portugal, where the band's fourth career album, Carnaval do Espíritos, was recorded and produced, which will be released in the second half of 2023

After almost a decade away from the stage, Fino Coletivo, driven by great spontaneous success on digital platforms, with more than 30 million streams, 2 million listeners, 50 thousand followers in more than 175 countries, performed in May 2023 at Sesc Pompeia, in São Paulo, with sold-out tickets and a vibrant audience.

In the second half of 2023, they will release the album “Carnaval dos Espíritos” with the Fino Coletivo footprint: its mix of rhythms, high vibe sound and lyrics that talk about love, fraternization, spirituality and ancestry. The tracks transit through soul, afoxé, samba, among other genres. The intention is to bring a little of each of the three previous albums. The spontaneity of the first, the contemporaneity and organic footprint of the most recent album. The album also features the presence of renowned musicians, such as Donatinho and Claudinho Andrade on keyboards, Diogo Gomes on trumpet and woodwind arrangement, Juninho Ibituruna and Zero Telles on percussion, Davi Moraes on guitar, among others.

The Fino Coletivo is Siri Adriano (vocals), Alvinho Cabral (guitar), Daniel Medeiros (bass), Rodrigo Scofield (drums).

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Estúdio Medusa

Rua Marco Aurélio, 93

Sao Paulo-SP



Phone: + 55 11 992825431

© 2021 Estúdio Medusa Music Productions - All rights reserved.

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